Business line of credit for small business

How can purchase order financing improve cash flow for businesses?

purchase order financing

As a business owner, I’m sure you know what it’s like to keep up with customer’s needs for orders of your products. What if your company is new and not ready to begin landing major orders that need to be fulfilled, or your business is growing rapidly, and new customers begin to place orders on […]

Changes in Interest Rates and Lending: How Can It Affect Small Businesses Over Time

change interest rates

Whether you’re a small business or a large multinational, changes in the economic environment affect everybody. Typically, businesses benefit from lower interest rates because in that case, there would be less of a cost to borrow. It is allowing room for more money to spend. With more money to spend on your business, you could […]

SEO Trends your business can use in 2020

seo trends your business

With today’s technology, every business owner needs to strategize how they are going to market their products and promote business online. With all of the high traffic on Google, Firefox, etc. it’s highly beneficial for your business to create a significant online presence for potential customers to come across. By using online marketing, your business […]

6 Best Apps for Small Business Owners

Apps for Small Business

6 MUST-HAVE APPS FOR SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS Using apps created for businesses can greatly help simplify a lot of operational matters. Whether you want to promote your business, communicate with the team, or work more productively, you can find a business app that suits your purpose and needs. But with so many apps available on […]

Benefits of Factoring for SMBs 


FINANCE 101: THE BENEFITS OF FACTORING FOR SMBS EXPLAINED Factoring is an excellent financing option that can provide a quick boost to the cash flow. This may be an important strategy to improve your cash flow. Small and medium-sized businesses can particularly benefit from factoring. At AmeriDream Capital, we have helped a lot of clients avert cash flow […]

Trends that will shape the industry in 2020

SMB Industry Trends

SMB INDUSTRY TRENDS THAT WILL SHAPE THE SMB INDUSTRY IN 2020 Companies today must work toward developing positive customer relationships. This is a critical goal in the age of the ever-increasing competitive landscape. Firms that build a trusting relationship with customers will be the ones that earn the most profits. A vast array of new technology is […]

5 Digital Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses 

Digital Marketing Strategies

5 DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGIES FOR SMALL BUSINESSES Whether you own a brick-and-mortar company, or an online company, digital marketing can serve as a cost-effective medium to market your products and services to your target market. However, for many small business owners, digital marketing can seem to be a bit confusing. Which digital marketing tactics can […]

Accounts Receivable


HOW TO USE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE FINANCING TO HELP YOUR SMALL BUSINESS Smaller businesses are generally more agile when compared to well-established firms. They are able to act a lot more quickly on numerous opportunities. It required for growth and can discover several ways to enhance the services they deliver to their clients. However, the lack […]

Construction Factoring Loan

Construction Factoring Loan

Choosing the right construction factoring company is essential to cash flow success What Is Construction Factoring To Be Precise? Construction Factoring as the name implies is a financial tool that allows you to convert your outstanding or unsettled construction invoices from your business general contractors into immediate cash. Instead of having to wait for 30, […]